- Did you know that muscle strength gradually decreases from the age of 30 until about the age of 50? By the age of 60, there is a much more rapid rate decrease in muscle strength
- Loss of strength and balance ability with age leads to increased risk of falls and injuries
- The frequency of falls and injuries rises from the 5th decade of life. And after the age of 65 years, 30% of people fall at least once a year
- Several studies have shown that strength (resistance) training can counteract these age-related impairments by increasing our muscle mass
- In addition to reducing the risk of falls, studies show that 20 to 30 minutes of strength (resistance) training, 2 to 3 times per week, has positive effects on risk factors for cardiovascular disorders, cancer and diabetes.
- The MRI scans diagrammatically shows the difference in bone mass, muscle mass and fat of an inactive vs inactive 70 year old