MEN - examine yourselves!
We talk a lot about the importance about self- examination of breasts in women and yet, much less is spoken about the importance of self-examination of the testicles in men… why is that? Did you know that testicular cancer is the commonest cancer in men aged 15-35 years of age?
By knowing what is ‘normal’ for YOU, will help to notice a change much earlier and seek help. The best time to do this is in the shower.
To quickly learn how to do a testicular examination in less than a minute and the symptoms to look for, please follow this link.
- Examine yourself in the shower once a month
- Examine one testicle at a time
- Hold the testicles between your thumbs and fingers of both hands and roll gently between your fingers
- Any hard lumps
- Changes in size/shape/ consistency of the testicles or testicular sac - see your GP.